Go Green with our Repair and Advance Replacement Services

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Go Green with Repair and Advance Replacement Solutions

Solutions :: Go Green!

Our repair and advance replacement services are a great way to substantially reduce telephony equipment expenses. Utilizing a state of the art refurbishing process and a regimented testing and certification process, we’ll ensure you get the highest quality service available. In fact, we back it with our “no-risk” warranty. More than 95% of the products we refurbish and repair come with a comprehensive 2-year warranty – which is significant considering that many new telephony products only come with a one year warranty.

Repair Service

Black Box Resale Services’ experienced technicians are certified for refurbishing and repair of the latest telecom and data equipment. Whether we’re repairing your out-of-service equipment or refurbishing repurchased components, we follow rigid protocol to insure top quality.

Our repair services include testing, cleaning, sanitizing, plastic recoating, silk-screening and painting - to certified specifications as good or better than OEM specs. After a final test, phones are repackaged with a new literature pack, coil cord, base cord and handset.

» View our Repair Process

Advance Replacement

Our Advance Replacement option gives you the fastest service possible when you need to repair your phones and components but your company can't tolerate downtime. Just select the products you need and we guarantee that in-stock Black Box Resale Services certified products will be shipped from Black Box Resale Services within 24 hours. When you receive the replacement products, just send us your old equipment.

Advance replacement products have completed the Black Box Resale Services certified refurbishing process and come with a Black Box Resale Services Limited Warranty.


Small Business

Small business solutions


Helping to implement the networking and telephony needs of the modern campus


Meeting the unique needs of the health care field


We are a full-service provider - product sourcing, repair services, inventory management, cabling and infrastructure - you name it!

Hosted VoIP

Learn how a cloud-based hosted VoIP solution can help your business

Repair Services

A cost-effective way to keep legacy equipment operating and increase ROI.

Data Infrastructure

Design, installation, and maintenance solutions for all types of data infrastructures.

Our Partners

We maintain relationships with today’s top manufacturers

Lease Options

Protect your technology investment the smart way, with a flexible lease!